Sometimes, we all wish we could see the world through a child’s eyes, experiencing everything like it’s new again. In fact, because your child is experiencing so much for the first time, their vision has to provide them with everything they need to enjoy these moments with clarity, comfort, and confidence. Eye exams are an […]
Does Wearing Glasses Make Your Eyesight Worse?
Your glasses provide you with improved vision whenever you wear them. Your optometrist determines the best prescription for your needs, but can your glasses make your eyesight worse? Continue reading to learn more about how glasses affect your vision, including if they can worsen your eyesight. The Importance of Your Glasses Your glasses can help […]
How Do I Know if My Child Has Vision Problems?
Children’s eyes go through many changes as they grow, and several vision-related problems can develop. Conditions like myopia and astigmatism are common, but how can you tell if your child has troubles? Continue reading to learn more about the signs your child has a vision problem. Vision Problems Can Affect Your Child’s Development Your child’s […]
Does Vision Therapy Work for Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)?
Making Visual Connections Did you know that it’s possible to have perfect eyesight but poor vision? Eyesight references the clarity of your vision, whereas vision refers to how your brain and eyes receive information and how it’s perceived. Tracking, coordination, and information processing is all part of your vision. A strong connection between the brain […]